Back Pain in Equine Athletes | Episode 53

By Tim Worden & Nicole Lakin of the IGNITE

What are the common pathological and training-related issues underlying back pain in sport horses? What diagnostic tools can be used to diagnose this condition? In this episode we are joined by Dr. Natalia Domańska-Kruppa and Elżbieta Stefanik who cover all things back-pain related in horses?

The episode begins with Natalia describing the pathology of equine back pain (including bony and soft tissue structural changes). She also discusses how poor fitting equipment and rider biomechanics can place the horse’s back in a compromised position, predisposing it to pain and injury. From there, Ela describes the diagnostic tools available to veterinarians to determine the cause of the issues and to make evidence-based recommendations. Special attention is given to electromyography (which has been covered in some of our other episodes), with a careful examination of muscle activity informing how the issue impact’s the horse’s neuromuscular control as well as the efficacy of therapeutic approaches to restore normal function. Additionally, Natalia and Ela discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to treating back pain, the need to include the rider’s feedback in guiding diagnosis, and next steps for the field.

As mentioned in the episode, we will be taking a pause over the summer to focus on some other exciting projects and will be back on the air in the fall!


About the Expert

Dr. Natalia Domanska-Kruppa graduated from Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2008 and then spent 8 years of practical training in the field of equine orthopedics and surgery in Germany. After completing postgraduate doctoral studies at The University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover she received an academic degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2020. Together with her husband she founded a private equine clinic encompassing a rehabilitation and training center for equine athletes in Poland. Since 2021 she also works part-time as an assistant professor in the Department of Large Animal Diseases and Clinic at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, where she specializes in equine surgery, orthopedics and orthopedic shoeing. She currently runs a scientific program examining a multidisciplinary approach to equine back pain. She is also an enthusiastic dressage rider and has competed up to the Grand Prix level.

Dr. Ela Stefanik graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2021. During the last year of her studies she was employed at the university, where she had the opportunity to combine clinical work with research, which shed new light on my entire post-graduation career. After graduating, she completed a one-year clinical internship in Belgium and then returned to Warsaw, where she started clinical and scientific work. She has been working with Natalia for 1.5 years and together they are working on a large project regarding back diseases in horses. The topic of her doctoral thesis is the use of electromyography in the analysis of movement in horses.

If you enjoyed this podcast episode, be sure to check out our in-depth video content in the Sport Horse Series Video Library!

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Insulin Dysregulation and Weight Issues in Sport Horses | Episode 52